Some really interesting ideas going on here and some skilled work. Love his poses with knees and ankles bent all over the place. Also love the "Hey Gabe!" aim at diversion.
I'd suggest a re-cut to make this video half the time. All the elements are there, but it's too long. At the party: he's screwed up in the corner and she's trying to help him. Got it. 30 seconds. Pick your best shots and move on.
Then a much bigger transition to the outside / rain shot. Maybe color, maybe movement vs. stillness, maybe even the character changes size drastically, something like this. Your choice.
The audio at the party sounds more like a cave than a room, so I'd re-check that as well.
The end with him swimming down is really fantasic!
Keep it up - will check out your tumblr and would love to see more from you.
- AnimatedCritic